CNC Laser Cutting Services in Pakistan Alfazal Engineering
We Alfazal Engineering quality management certified CNC Laser Cutting services provider all over the Pakistan, Alhamdulillah we have achieved one more milestone we installed and commissioned the latest model CNC Laser Cutting services (wifi connected) of sheet cutting and Tube cutting
Laser cutting is an advanced cutting process widely used in material processing. A laser beam with high energy density is adopted as a “cutting tool” to conduct the thermal cutting process on the materials. Laser cutting technology is adopted to cut various metals, non-metal sheet, and composite materials, which is widely used in various fields. Laser cutting refers to using the focused laser beam radiating the workpiece to melt, carburetor, and ablate the materials or enable the materials to reach fire point, and meanwhile, high-speed stream with the same axis as the light beam is adopted to remove the molten material and achieve the cutting works. Laser cutting is one of heat cutting methods.
Laser-melting cutting refers to using the laser heating to melt the metal materials, and puffing then on-oxidizing gas (N2, Air, etc.) through the nozzle with the same axis as the light beam and eliminating the liquid metal depending on the strong laser pressure to form a kerf.
Laser-melting cutting is mainly used for the cutting of materials that are difficult to cut or reactive metal, including stainless steel, titanium, aluminum, and their alloys.
Technical Specification of Our Installed Laser Cutting Service
MS, GI, SS, Copperplate and tube/pipe cutting, perforation, mesh making, filter making, panels DB opening cable tray perforation, and other work of all design on sheet and Pipe as per client requirement.
- MS sheet Cutting thickness 1mm to 16 mm
- Galvanized sheet Cutting thickness 1mm to 8 mm
- SS sheet Cutting thickness 1mm to 8 mm
- Aluminium sheet Cutting thickness 1mm to 8 mm
- Brass sheet Cutting thickness 1mm to 6 mm
- copper sheet Cutting thickness 1mm to 6 mm
- Cutting perforation tube/pipe 20-200mm dia 8mm thickness.
- Machine Bed size for sheet plate 10 feet x 5 feet (we can work at this size sheet )
- Machine tube/pipe working bench size 200mm dia and 20 feet length
- Product quality very accurate – 0.03% is maximum.
CNC Laser Cutting Services Technology Advantages
- High accuracy
- Excellent cutting quality
- High speed working
- Compared to other thermal cutting processes laser produce very narrow heat effect at objective
- Minimum deformation of the cut sheet because of the very low level of heat applied can work at any type of metal Supporting 2D and 3D cutting, mainly 2D cutting.
- Supporting various file formats, including G-code file, IGS file, NC file, DXF file, PLT file, ENG file, etc
- Supporting preprocessing imported objects;
- Supporting layer function and technics such as cutting with film, corner loop, cutting at a fixed height.
- Supporting various piercing methods such as direct pierce, incremental pierce, segmented pierce, three-segment pierce, and pre-pierce; besides, we can set laser power, frequency, gas type, and pressure separately in piercing and cutting.
- Supporting scan cutting, including line scan, arc scan, and scan on the LED text.
- Supporting tube cutting function.
We can make any size and shape perforation/holes?
Providing kinds of pulse modulation signals to mate with a different laser machine and to adjust duty ratio according to cutting speed